Smashers Board Email
There is a common email address for the Board of Directors, that is used for communications to and from the Board of Directors. The person assigned to this email is currently, and most appropriately, the treasurer / membership chairperson, as most issues are about membership, dues and email blasts. There shall be a maintained spreadsheet of all banking, shopping, Pickleball Central, etc. log in and passwords. Such spreadsheet will be updated frequently and a copy provided to the President of the Club for safekeeping. No implied privacy will be allowed within the emails.
This email will be monitored no less than daily. Any questions received will be forwarded to the most appropriate person to address the question. i.e. Club questions and operations to the President, training to the training coordinator, membership and treasury to that chairperson, disciplinary to the Vice President, email blasts to the editors, etc.
If you receive a forwarded email, please respond quickly (but do NOT use reply as it comes back to the Board email only), and CC the Board of Directors email so we know it was addressed.
While this email is available to all board members to log into, ONLY the person assigned to this email should be responsible to answer or forward the questions. Anyone else using the email causes confusion as to whom is sending the response.
Ideally the person assigned to this email, should coordinate all the other Smashers emails to the same passwords, as these accounts are governed by the Board and are not individual email accounts. All emails should be maintained no less than 3 years.
Other Smashers Email Addresses
Know that these emails are property of the Smashers and not to be used in a personal manner. All communications in these emails are available to any other board member at all times. Emergencies happen, board members quit.
All board members will have their passwords changed on or about March 1st of every year to an approved password. Passwords can be reset by the Web Administrator.
Consideration, compassion, and good manners must be used at all times for any Board response to a members.
This position is currently held by the treasurer/membership chairman, As much as possible, all email passwords will be the same. All pertinent emails will be maintained in the accounts for a period of at least 3 years.
Some existing emails for reference: