Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Standing Rule 1: Court Code of Conduct

Use and enjoyment of the pickleball courts at Solivita is contingent on the consideration and cooperation of club members. Safety is always a priority and every effort should be made to avoid situations that put another person at risk. Although not inclusive, the expectations below provide a construct by which pickleball play for SSPC members will remain safe and enjoyable.

  • Always wait for play to end before entering an active court and notify the players before opening an access gate. If other players will be entering the court, wait and enter together when possible.
  • Players should not disrupt play crossing a court – play on a different court or going to a bench.
  • Call “Ball” or “Ball on court” if a ball rolls onto another court during play.
    • All players STOP immediately. Interruption of play results in a “let” to the active play.
    • If returning a ball to the original court, ask “who gets it” and roll or gently toss the ball.
    • If retrieving a ball from another court (even in the back), wait until play stops and notify or ask permission to recover the ball for you/your court.
  • Only team players should be on the courts (inside the court enclosure).
  • Players who have finished their team should leave promptly.
  • Players who are playing in the next team should wait until the previous team ends.
  • Keep all equipment and personal items away from the playing area, including water bottles.
  • Courts are assigned by the Smashers Pickleball club to a group/team for use on a specific day, time and court. Teams have no “ownership” of assigned courts, whether a team “usually” plays at a certain time or not.
  • Players should arrive on-time.
  • Courts not used within 15 minutes of assigned time, are “available” for use by any other Smashers’ members after obtaining permission from the team to which the court is assigned.
  • If openings are in a team (not enough players) invite players from another team that may have extra players or from the MOO to fill the opening.
  • If a game is unfinished at the end of the team time the next team may allow the game to be finished if the score is close and the time is minimal.
  • Conversely, if a team arrives before its time and a court is unused, the next team may begin a warm-up, after communicating with the prior team.

Always exhibit good sportsmanship on and around the courts!

Any more serious conduct issues requiring Board of Director intervention are covered in the Smashers Disciplinary Process Standing Rule

Revised 28 August 2018. Reformatted for website 29 June 2023.