Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Standing Rule 4: Teams, Courts, and Scheduling

Taylor Morrison and the Solivita Club have authorized Solivita Smashers Pickleball Club to assist in the management of the 17 pickleball courts at Solivita located at Freedom Park (13 courts) and the Palms (4 courts). The Smashers Board of Directors schedules activities and designated “open” play. The “scheduled” activities include, but are not limited to, teams, social events, tournaments, clinics, and classes/lessons.


COURTS 10 & 17: These courts are designated resident courts and may not be assigned for Smashers team play. In addition, Smashers with scheduled courts must use their own courts before any overflow extends to courts 10 or 17. Regularly scheduled teams must NOT use these courts as an extension of their assigned court play. If anyone is waiting to use these courts, you must complete your game and get off the courts. If you are using them for practice, limit yourself to 15 minutes, then give up the courts if anyone is waiting.


Definition of “PRIME TIME” hours (1st, 2nd & 3rd time slots) 7:30 to 12:00 7 days per week.

Individual players should not be scheduled more than 7 times per week during Prime Time, no matter how many teams you play with. It is the responsibility of the individual player to monitor usage to comply with these rules. This will allow our new resident players an opportunity to use prime time courts and is required compliance to remain a member of Smashers. This 7 times per week restriction does not apply to MOO’s, Ladders and Training nor any NON-Prime Time Team play. Complaint driven notification of members abusing these limitations will be addressed by a committee of board members and volunteer chairpersons.


  • A Team may only reserve courts up to a maximum of 4 days per week during Prime Time. (3 weekdays and one weekend day.)
  • All team players and subs must be Smashers members.
  • Every Team must update an approved Roster of team members annually, or when starting a new team.
  • Each team MUST consist of 8 playing members per reserved courts. Teams are encouraged to invite new people to play and join their team.
  • Teams that do not use their assigned courts for 3 consecutive weeks, as indicated on the Team Schedule, may be suspended or lose the assigned court. The Scheduler will contact the captain.
  • Courts accepted for Hiatus status may be reserved by others that quality during the time they are on hiatus and must be given back once the primary team returns.
  • Team that wants to change the assigned time (and/or assigned court) must contact the Team Scheduler for authorization. Any change will be based on availability.
  • Guests may not take a member’s place on a team unless the captain and a majority of team members have approved. Said guests must be Smashers members or have a valid ELM Guest pass.
    • Teams that require more than three courts may be established during “non-prime” hours. (5th -8th time slots)
    • Large Teams may be formed when more than three (3) courts are needed. Large teams are identified as having a minimum of 24 players. Large Teams must meet the minimum of eight (8) different players per court requirement.

While the Board supports members playing often, as the number of members increases and with limited “Prime” court times, in fairness to all members, we encourage existing teams to invite or include new members regularly so it does not become necessary to consider additional limits.


  • Provide captains current phone and email address to Scheduler.
  • Accepting this position gives authority to the Solivita Smashers Pickleball Club to use the information limited to matters directly related to Team and Smashers activities.
  • Submit the Team roster annually to the Scheduler.
  • It is the responsibility of the Captain to verify that all members are current in their dues. Update Team roster as necessary.
  • Use Smashers Team Form to alphabetically provide last and first names of the Team members WHO ACTUALLY REGULARLY PLAY. REMOVE non-playing members. Names should match the information on the Smashers Roster.
  • Conform to all Solivita rules and regulations and Smashers Club Bylaws, Standing Rules and Guidelines.
  • Encourage players to arrive and depart at scheduled times on their designated courts. Encourage players to be polite and respectful of other teams arriving or leaving.
  • Email addresses are not to be published per Privacy Policy. Send email using BCC (Blind Copy Field).
  • The Scheduler will notify the captains of specific or important information as required.
  • Encourage all team members to read and be aware of Email Blasts that may contain pertinent information about the courts, cancellations times, safety issues, or scheduled meetings.
  • Failure to provide updated Team Roster or designate a Captain, may result in termination of the team.
  • Notify the scheduler if the team is open and seeking new members or subs. Lists will be posted on the bulletin boards monthly.

Revised 09 August 2022. Reformatted for website 29 June 2023.