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Standing Rule 5: Voting and Absentee Voting Procedure

General Voting Procedures

Voting for the Board of Directors of Solivita Smashers and other significant matters shall be conducted electronically or by absentee ballot. Members in good standing are encouraged to vote electronically for convenience and accessibility. In-person voting at General Membership Meetings is available only when required due to specific circumstances and non-significant matters, such as minutes approvals.

Electronic voting shall be used for all matters, including Board of Directors elections, policy changes, financial decisions, and other significant matters. The decisions, as determined by the majority of votes cast electronically or by absentee ballot, will be promptly communicated to the membership. These results will also be recorded and
documented in the minutes of the next General Membership Meeting.

Absentee Voting

Members in good standing who cannot vote using the available electronic voting option, may vote using an absentee ballot. This is specified in Bylaw 7.01.

If a member in good standing requires an Absentee Ballot for the matter up for vote, they must download the official ballot from the HOA website or, request a paper copy from any board member or advisor. They must submit it as per the voting instructions provided.

Voting Accountability and Privacy

All votes, whether cast electronically or by absentee ballot, will remain confidential and anonymous. All electronic vote counts, and Absentee Ballots will be combined and counted by a designated committee. This is outlined in Bylaw 7.01. The vote tabulation process shall take place in advance of a General Membership Meeting, and the results reported at the meeting and recorded in the minutes.

In the event the vote is for the Directors, only the names of Directors elected will be announced. Vote counts for each Director will not be shared or recorded in the minutes. The final tally, including the number of votes received by each candidate, will be shared only with those on the ballot upon request.

In the case of a tie for the last available Director board seat, the tied candidates will be asked to step out of the designated area. The tie will be broken by a hand vote of those present at the meeting.

Uncontested Elections

In uncontested elections, candidates are automatically appointed or elected without a formal vote. This decision will be announced via the HOA website and membership email at least two weeks before the scheduled membership voting meeting.

Policy Revised 06 December 2023