Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Standing Rule 6: Advisor to the Board of Directors

The Smashers Board works directly with the Advisors to achieve the Club’s goals. The advisors attend Board meetings, but they cannot vote. They communicate with members and bring concerns to the Board.

It is ideal for an advisor to align themselves with the duties of one or more Board members, learn about the position, and prepare to fill a future board position.

It is expected that advisors get involved in club activities and Board projects.

Members in good standing can serve as advisers at the Board’s discretion. Smashers Board needs approximately 9 Advisors (a 1:1 ratio between Advisors and Board positions).

If you want to be an Advisor, contact an existing Board member, send a brief bio, and list your interests (club activity, Board project, etc.).

Reformatted for website 29 June 2023.
