Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Standing Rule 7: Honorary Members

Honorary Lifetime Membership

We have many members that have participated and helped in substantial ways, either as a volunteer, event chairperson, or serving on the board, but are no longer able to play. Once these members have informed us they can no longer play, a member of the current board may nominate them for this Honorary Lifetime Membership award. The majority vote of the Board will determine if the Honor should be given.

Honorary Lifetime Membership gives the member ability to continue to volunteer if they desire at events, purchase tickets for our social events, attend our meetings and continue to participate in everything EXCEPT for playing Pickleball.

Conditions to be met to qualify:

  1. MUST no longer be playing Pickleball
  2. MUST be nominated by a past or present Board member for the Honor passed with majority vote.
  3. MUST have substantially donated time, money, expertise in some way to help the Club for a minimum of three years. Substantial participation will be determined at time of nomination.
  4. SPOUSES of nominee will also be allowed to purchase tickets and attend events. (If spouse is no longer playing as well)
  5. Award will be announced in an email blast thanking the Member for their service.

Policy Revised 19 March 2019. Reformatted for website 29 June 2023.