Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Standing Rule 8: Paddle and Vendor Sales

Newbie Training Class Paddle/Equipment Vendor Guidelines

Paddle/Equipment Vendors shall occupy the area immediately outside the pergola located at The Palms pickleball courts either on the outer edges of the circular paved walkway or on the grass to the left when facing the courts. At all times, please respect the class activities and do not enter the areas where the trainers are actively engaged with those attending the training classes i.e. under the pergola or on the courts.

The Newbie Coordinator and Instructors shall and will encourage students to demo paddle. However, they will not suggest or recommend any product, brand or vendor.

Paddle vendors will not provide instruction to Newbies. Newbie Instructors will be open to listening to any suggestions or helpful insight offered by approved vendors. The direct point of contact should always be with the instructors, not the student. In the act of making equipment recommendations, vendors may make recommendations related to key considerations when selecting a paddle such as but not limited to: grip, weight, construction and technical benefits pertinent to making and informed purchasing decision.

Paddle vendors are to be set up no earlier than 11:00AM on the second and third days of each 3 week class. Smashers will make available a tent when so desired by the vendors. Tables and chairs will also be provided for display of any approved vendor’s products. When each session is over, vendors should fold up the chairs and table and return them to the area where they were prior to the session for pick up by Evergreen/Lifestyles

Policy Revised 07 January 2020. Reformatted for website 29 June 2023.