Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Strategic Planning Committee

The mission of the Strategic Planning Committee is to develop a three to five year strategic plan to guide the growth, development, and sustainability of the Smashers Pickleball Club, aligning with the club’s mission, values, and long-term goals.

Committee Rational

Smashers is a dynamic and successful club with approximately 1,400 members. While the year-to-year model has served the club well, a strategic plan would:

  • Enable better partnerships with Taylor Morrison and/or the HOA.
  • Plan for community outreach.
  • Capture members’ preferences and outline a sequence for delivering on these.


Develop a 3–5-year strategic plan to guide the growth, development, and sustainability of the Pickleball Club, aligning with the club’s mission, values, and long-term goals.


  1. Assess Current State: Evaluate the club’s membership trends, facilities, programs, and financial health.
  2. Identify Opportunities: Find areas for growth and improvement.
  3. Engage Stakeholders: Conduct surveys, focus groups, and feedback sessions with members and stakeholders.
  4. Establish Goals: Set clear, measurable objectives for the next 3-5 years.
  5. Create Action Plan: Develop detailed steps, timelines, responsible parties, and resource needs.
  6. Monitor and Adjust: Track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Membership Roles and Responsibilities

  • Chairperson:
    • Leads the committee and coordinates efforts.
    • Leads committee meetings.
    • Ensure adherence to the charter and timeline.
    • Serve as the primary point of contact.
  • Members at Large:
    • Represents various segments of the club and bring diverse perspectives.
    • Participate in meetings and discussions.
    • Provide input and feedback.
    • Serve on subcommittees or task forces as needed.


  • Frequency: Initially bi-weekly, then monthly after the plan is developed.

Proposed Timeline

  • Months 1-2: Initial assessment and data gathering.
  • Months 3-4: Stakeholder engagement and feedback collection.
  • Months 5-6: Drafting strategic goals and objectives.
  • Months 7-8: Developing action plans and resource identification.
  • Month 9: Reviewing and finalizing the strategic plan.
  • Month 10: Presenting the strategic plan to the membership for approval.


  • Month 2: Comprehensive assessment report to the Board of Directors.
  • Month 4: Summary of stakeholder feedback.
  • Month 6: Strategic goals and objectives document.
  • Month 10: Present detailed action plan with timelines and resource requirements to membership.

Evaluation for Success

  • Completion of the strategic plan within the timeline.
  • Approval of the strategic plan by the club board.
  • Implementation of strategic goals and objectives.
  • Regular monitoring and adjustment of the strategic plan.

Join The Committee

If you are interested in contributing to the future success of Smashers, complete the form below to volunteer for the Strategic Planning Committee.

Name (required)

Email Address (required)

Phone Number (required in format xxx-xx-xxxx)