Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Guiding Principles for Purchases and Main­te­nance

There are various types of purchases made on the Club’s behalf. Maintenance, Social activities, tournaments and training be primary examples.

Any purchase not detailed below, in excess of $50.00 must be submitted and approved by a quorum of the Board. Receipts MUST be submitted and the purpose of the purchase documented. Large item purchases, when previously discussed and approved by the board, are not subject to this rule.

Any purchase submitted for reimbursement should be delivered to the Treasurer within 48 hours with appropriate receipts

The Club has 3 debit cards linked to the checking account. The Treasurer, President and Court Maintenance director hold these cards. For ease in administering the Club’s business, it is good practice to consult with them and make purchases through the debit cards whenever possible. This minimizes handling reimbursements, and makes it easier for the Treasurer to track and notate into the bookkeeping system.

The Social Activities director is given a budget of $200.00 to coordinate events such as dances, tournaments, picnics, etc. for decorations and supplies. As such, they are not subject to the $50.00 rule. When possible, the Social Activities Director should submit preliminary budgets for such events for preapproval.

  • Door prizes and raffles for charity fundraising purposes must be donated items, not purchased with Club money.
  • Door prizes and raffles for membership may be purchased with Club money under the approval of the board.

Purchases of typical supplies deemed necessary to execute training and growth programs within the club, such as Newbies, Ladders, Foundations, Skills Classes, etc. shall be requested from the treasurer for purchase. This facilitates easier bookkeeping practices, and less receipts and handling of reimbursements.

Instructor Shirts have been approved on an annual basis for our established instructors. The Training board member is responsible for maintaining this list and validating the instructors. The Newbies Program Coordinator will provide the list for that program.