Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Guiding Principles for Social Activities

In order for the Solivita Smashers Pickleball Club to make a meaningful donation each year, only one or two charitable organizations will be chosen. Emergency drives may be conducted from time to time

Social Activities such as dances, tournaments, and others may run raffles, door prize contests, bake sales, or other functions to raise money for our charities. Prizes, gift cards, gift baskets, etc. will not be purchased from Club Funds but will be from private donations for charitable fundraising.

Alternatively, non Charity Prizes for our Members may be purchased from Club Funds subject to limitations: values not to exceed $25 per prize. Smashers Shirts and Visors may be ordered as prizes for functions limited to Smashers members. Prizes purchased must be approved by a board quorum.

Prior Procedure documents are available for many of the activities. These provide a good overview of how to run the different activities. Make sure you are aware and have these documents. Remember there are volunteers and most board members will help.

Ticket prices and entry fees will be held as close as possible to the actual cost of the event. Only events that are open to the majority/entirety of the membership may have the ticket cost subsidized with club funds.

Activities Director is responsible for all Club social events, either in person, or by appointment to another person in charge. All non-officer Board directors are Chaired/overseen by an assigned officer of the Club. Directors of events may select any members to help at their own discretion.

Possible Current activities: Picnic in February, Spring Dance, Sadie Hawkins tournament, Halloween Tournament, Dog Dayz Fall Dance, Holiday Party, Holiday Breakfast, New Year’s Eve event, 2 Yearlings events annually for new members. More events may be added if desired by the director or membership. Tournament and Playing events are co-chaired by the Training coordinator

When at all possible, an upcoming event should submit an estimated budget for board approval 30 days in advance. This may be done via email or at a meeting.

Reimbursement requests for expenses incurred in running events will need to be accompanied by receipts and submitted to the Treasurer in a timely manner. Reimbursements will be completed within 48 hours whenever possible.