Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Wall at Freedom Park

Guiding Principles for Treasurer and Membership Chair

The primary responsibility for managing the club finances is assigned to the Treasurer of the Smashers. The Treasurer is an elected director of the Smashers board. The position may be appointed or assigned by the board at the board meeting after the annual election.

Treasurer Responsibilities

The job of treasurer includes the following primary responsibilities:

  1. Execute all financial transactions
    • Record transactions: checkbook register, spreadsheet or whatever method is preferred.
    • All payments must be supported by documentation (invoice, statement or expense form).
    • Officers and others may be reimbursed for authorized out-of-pocket expenses, provided receipts for such expenses are submitted.
    • Non-budgeted expenditures over $50.00 need Board quorum approval
    • All financial records must be available to members upon written request by arrangement.
  2. Prepare financial statements monthly for the board and for General Membership Meetings.
    • The finances should be posted on Solivita HOA after approval of board.
    • Prepare Year-end financial statement reported at April General Membership Meeting.
    • Prepare annual budget; proposed budget at January GMM, final budget at April meeting
  3. The Treasurer of the Board of Directors is tasked with the responsibility of keeping a record of paid memberships per the bylaws. The board requires every new member to complete a membership application designating authority to publish a member’s phone number (and possibly email address) on the Membership Roster/Directory. This application conforms to the Smashers Privacy Policy, and is annually reviewed and updated.

Membership Responsibilities

  • Receive dues and deposit into bank account
  • Record receipts per member and maintain accurate roster of paid members
  • Post roster to Solivita HOA monthly (all members & phone # only if authorized by application)
  • Provide roster to Communications director for email distribution list
  • Provide roster to Court scheduler for captains to verify memberships
  • Provide to Chairs of events and training to verify memberships
  • Maintain & report count of paid memberships at all General Membership meetings
  • Maintain the Applications of NEW members for a period of one year
  • Records maintained: Date received, Member name, check # or cash, amount, Primary phone number). If not authorized for publishing – exclude, email addresses.

Dues and Dues Collection

Dues amount is reviewed annually as associated with the budget and authorized for the following year before March 1. The current dues amount is $12 and will not likely be increased in the near future.

Dues are collected beginning January 1 and past due on March 1st for the fiscal year. New members joining after December 1st, will be grandfathered into the upcoming year with no extra payment due.

Members who have not paid will be removed from the Membership roster on March 1st and will be ineligible for Smashers benefits, including Team play

Communications and Email Blasts

One of the benefits of membership is inclusion on the Smashers Membership distribution list for informative emails. The Treasurer is responsible to maintain accurate lists of paid members for the email blast chairperson.

The Treasurer maintains and provides a Smashers Roster for updating Constant Contact (or future bulk email program) emails