Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Paddles in the paddle queue

Reserving Courts

Any Smashers member may reserve any available court that is indicated as open by the white/blank blocks on the Current Schedule.

To learn how to reserve a court, review the Online Court Reservations Instructions.  You can then click on one of the links below to navigate directly to the court reservations system administered by Lifestyles.

Please note:

  • An individual can only reserve one court per day
  • “All Resident” courts (those indicated by the pink blocks) are not available for reservations.
  • A court appearing as available on the Current Schedule may not be available in the reservation system. This will happen when someone has already reserved it.

Reserving A Court

Contact the Riviera Spa & Fitness Center at 863-427-7130 or use the online scheduling system.

Courts are available between 7:30 am and 7:30 pm

Courts can be reserved no more than three (3) days in advance