This is a good time to familiarize yourself with the locations of the First-Aid kits and AEDs at Freedom Park and the Palms courts.
Palms Courts
911 Address: 1055 San Clemente Ave (Polk County)
AED – The AED is mounted on a separate post in front of the Pavilion.
First Aid Kit – One First-Aid kit is hanging on a support column of the Pavilion.
Freedom Park Courts
911 Address: 354 Village Drive (Polk County)
AED #1 – Located by entrance door (parking lot side) of Court 2.
AED #2 – Located next to Lost & Found at the junction of Courts 3, 5, 11.
First Aid Kits – three First-Aid kits are all located under covered shade structures.
- Court 4 – hanging on post of the Pavilion.
- Between Courts 5 and 11 – hanging on post of the shade structure.
- Between Courts 12 and 9 – hanging on post of the shade structure.
Check – Call – Compress for CPR & Automated External Defibrillator Training is available through CERT.