Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Paddles in the paddle queue

Team Roster

Instructions for Completing the Team Roster

We are requiring all the captain to use the fill-in enabled 24-25 Team Roster.  This should make it easier for the captains to complete and send to the scheduler.  It will also make it easier for the scheduler to capture the data. 

Please click on the link above to open the form.  Save the form to your device (you can use your team name as the document name, just remember to keep the .PDF extension).  Then complete the form and save it again.  Once complete mail it as an attachment to the Scheduler.

Saving the Fill-In Form: To save the fill in form to your device, open the form in a new tab (which is a menu option if you right-click on the link), then save it from there. Using Google Chrome on my system, I went to the File – Menu, Selected Save Page as, then saved the form with the .PDF extension. Then I opened that newly saved file to begin filling in the form.

Team Information

  • Please provide your team and captain information. If the team has a co-captain, please include that information as well.
  • Let us know what Level of Play (Beginner, Immediate, or Advanced) the majority of your team is playing.
  • Characterize the Style of Play for your team.
  • If your team is currently accepting new players that match the level and style of play (Social, Competitive, or Mixed), please indicate yes to that question.
  • Team Hiatus is when the team, as a whole or in part, will not be playing during certain months (such as during the summer). Typically this happens when the team is made up of many snowbirds. Teams can put some or all of their courts in a Hiatus status until they return; making the courts available to others while they are not playing on them. This ensures the team doesn’t lose their courts because they aren’t using them. Please indicate if your team will be using the hiatus feature this year.


  • If you are a new team, please refer to the current schedule to see which courts are available and indicate which date(s), time(s) and court(s) your team would like to request.
  • If you are an existing team that is renewing your team information, please indicate which dates, times, and courts your team is currently using. If availability of players has changed for your team and if you find you are not using as many courts as you were using in the past, please be considerate of the many other Smashers members and teams who are looking for courts and indicate only those courts you need and wish to continue to use on the Team Roster of Members.

Team Roster of Members

  • Please enter each member of the team on a separate line.  Be sure to include the Captain and Co-Captain in the Team Roster section of the form.
  • The Team Captain is responsible for ensuring every member of their team is a Paid and Enrolled Smashers member.  This must be indicated on the form.  Paid and Enrolled members can be found on the Smashers web site, Membership Page, reviewing the 2024– 25 Paid and Enrolled Smashers Members list.  Please Note: You may need to refresh your page once coming to this listing, as sometimes an older version is cached on your device.
  • Indicate with a “No” selection which days the member typically does not play with this team.  For example, say I belong to a team that plays on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.  But on Sundays, when the team plays, I’m always square dancing.  The captain would indicate “No” on Sunday for me.  Leaving the other dates blank would signify that I play with the team on their Tuesday and Friday dates.  This doesn’t mean I couldn’t play on Sunday, say if square dancing was cancelled, only that I typically don’t play with the team on Sunday.  Note: If a team only plays one day a week there shouldn’t be any “No” selections, as it would be assumed that all members of the team play when their team plays.