Smashers members, soon you will be provided with an individual user account for use on our Solivita Smashers website. These accounts are linked to the email address you provided when entering your membership data. You will receive an email with your password which will allow you to access privileged areas of our website.

Accessing Privileged Information
There is certain information we wish to publish on our website, such as financial documents, team rosters with contact information, etc. that we do not want non-Smashers members to be allowed to access. These items will require a member to log in to view.

Safeguarding personal information and providing easy access for updates

Ease of Use
For accessing most information, your user name and password will not be required. You can simply go to the site as you do now to view news, events, court calendar, training schedules, etc. without logging in. You will only need to log in to see specific documents and to view or modify your personal data. A login screen will appear only when you try to access that specific information.

Membership Renewal
Having a user name and password will also streamline membership renewal next year as you will not need to fill out any personal information to renew as we already have that information in our database and it will be automatically filled for you when you log in to renew. You will also be able to modify your personal information if it changes using your personal login and password.

Password Customization
Absolutely. When you receive the email with your credentials, there will be instructions for changing your password as well as how to access your membership profile and make changes, if necessary, to your personal information.

Different from HOA Accounts
The Solivita HOA accounts are controlled by the HOA. Under our old HOA website, anyone with an HOA login could access Smashers financial documents and member information even if they were not a Smashers member. By using our own Smashers accounts, we can limit access to our information to only paid Smashers members.

All information will be available to all Smashers members with a user account, except in those cases, such as disciplinary proceedings, where only board members will be allowed to access that information.

Membership Renewal
Like most websites, an email address is required to set up an account. Google, Yahoo and Outlook email accounts are free and we can help you set up an email account.

If you have any questions, concerns or issues, please contact the Webmaster at