Impact to our Smashers community:
Home games require 4 courts for approximately 4 hours.
The five Solivita teams will have a total of 13 home games.
Home games scheduled so that no Solivita “1.5 hour time-slot” is impacted more than once during the 9 week season.n
Matthew Lytthouse scheduler@solivitasmashers.com (Smashers Scheduler) will be emailing the captains of the individual teams impacted to let them know when the Travel Team will be using their courts. If you are not contacted, then your team is not impacted.
Stevie Harrison training@solivitasmashers.com (Smashers Training & Development) is available for questions.
These games are very competitive involving higher level players. This provides a wonderful learning experience for our novice and intermediate players when they come watch.
Previous information shared via:
- Various email blasts
- Aug. 16 GMM
- Sept. 18th focused meeting
- Sept. 18th Zoom video