Prior to use of the Lobster ball machine you must attend a mandatory training session. Even if you were previously trained prior to COVID-19 you must be retrained to ensure proper safety precautions are utilized.
With SUFFICIENT prior notice the Lobster is available to trained Smashers members.
Lobster MUST be checked out each and every time you wish to use it. Having the key code does not give permission to take it out without a prior reservation. NOTE: If you are found using the Lobster without prior permission, you may be denied the use of the machine for a 6 month period of time.
If the Lobster is available you will be sent a shed key code. If the Lobster is unavailable you will be sent response rejecting your request.
No lobster requests will be granted within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours of sending a request, please call Jack Negri at 201-787-1486.
Smashers Lobster Reservation Hours
- Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-4:30 on Freedom Park Courts 6 and 7
- Saturday 4:30-6:00 on Freedom Park Courts 6 or 7 only
Due to the number of Lobster requests, Lobster use might be shared with a second Lobster. If there are two requests for the same time, assignments will be made on one court only (i.e. 6 or 7). Otherwise, the assignment would cover both courts.
Lobster Reservations
Lobster may be scheduled on other courts at other times through the Court Reservation process. It is the responsibility of the requestor to ensure no team is scheduled on an adjacent court and power is available. After courts have been reserved, contact Lobster Reservations to reserve a Lobster.