Fun, Fitness and Friends!

Lobster on court for training

Skills Clinic

Wednesday Night Skills Clinic

Skills Clinic is offered at Freedom Park at 7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. Advanced registration is required. Arrive by 7:15 for check-in. This Clinic offers an average of 1:4 ratio for instructors to participants.

Below is an example list of skills offered:

  1. Backhand and strategies (slice/cut)
  2. Dinking strategies (cross court/movement)
  3. Serve and return strategies (long and short)
  4. Third shot strategies (drop, passing, lobs)
  5. Net play strategies (block, dink, lob)

Next Steps:

  • Pick one of the skills you would like to sharpen.
  • Please add your skill level (tournament skills levels, not ladders) using the provided chart to determine level of each skill indicated:
    • 2.0 = Novice
    • 2.5 = Novice / Intermediate
    • 3.0 = Intermediate
    • 3.5 = Intermediate / Advanced
    • 4.0 = Advanced
  • Please send your email to: sharpenyourskills no later than noon on Monday before the Wednesday session.
  • You will get a confirmation email confirming your spot.
  • You will be placed on a standby list if we reach capacity so sign up early.