Unfortunately, Castle Group has informed us of a delay in re-opening the Palms Courts of approximately three weeks. Castle Group recently had the vendor return to complete some additional work on the courts, which was just finished this week. These necessary repairs require additional curing time for the asphalt to ensure the courts are in optimal condition for play. This means we need to extend the current rotation of Palms players at Freedom Park.
While the Palms courts are being repaired, teams from The Palms will rotate through designated courts at Freedom Park during repairs. This ensures everyone gets playing time.
A week-by-week rotation will be implemented. Palms teams will temporarily use Freedom Park courts while some Freedom Park teams will have a bye week. Wherever possible, teams playing on two courts at The Palms have been moved to two courts at Freedom Park. Single-court teams have been moved to Court 10. Some single-court teams at Freedom Park have been moved to Court 10 to allow contiguous courts for teams from the Palms
Signs will be posted at Freedom Park indicating which courts are designated for The Palms teams each week