Ladders Schedule
All Ladders play is at Freedom Park. Signup for all Ladders starts 30 minutes prior to the start times below at the shed at the back of the courts and ends 15 minutes prior (i.e. sign up starts at 11:30AM and ends at 11:45AM for a 12PM Ladders start time)
For players NEW to Ladders, please arrive a half-hour early (11:30 AM for afternoon Ladders and 7:00 PM for evening Ladders) to be assessed and for orientation.
Women’s Ladders
12:00 PM
(arrive by 11:45 AM)
Co-Ed Ladders
7:30 PM
(arrive by 7:15 PM)
Mixed (Co-Ed)
12:00 PM
(arrive by 11:45 AM)
Mixed (Co-Ed)
12:00 PM
(arrive by 11:45 AM)
Mixed (Co-Ed)
12:00 PM
(arrive by 11:45 AM)
Mixed (Co-Ed)
7:30 PM
(arrive by 7:15 PM)
Women’s Ladders
12:00 PM
(arrive by 11:45 AM)
Mixed (Co-Ed)
12:00 PM
(arrive by 11:45 AM)
Ladders News
- Improvements to Ladders Program
- Smashers 3rd Annual Jonathan P Mercado Memorial Pickleball Tournament Medal Winners
- Ladders Spring Tournament Results
- Smashers New Purchases
- Women’s Ladders now on Monday & Friday
- Ladders Fun Day A Smashing Success
- New Shed Lights
- Women’s Only Ladders
- Results from the LADDERS 2nd Annual Jonathan P. Mercado Memorial Pickleball Tournament
Mixed (Co-Ed) Ladders
This is skill based gameplay,
Just show up at least 15 minutes ahead of start time… no pre-registration required.
How does it work?
All members showing up on a given day are placed with three others closest in skill to their own. Games are played round-robin and scores are recorded.
As an example, the top four rated players who show up are assigned together. They play 3 games to 12 points in a round-robin style of play. This gives a possibility of 36 points total. Each person will partner with each of the other three players. If a player’s game results were 6/12, 10/12 and 12/8 this player’s result is 28/36 for a daily percentage of 78%.
Your accumulated percentage places you upon the Ladder within your skill rung. Over time you will move up (or down) the ladder depending on how well you play.
You don’t have to show up every day. Come whenever you wish. Snowbird – no problem – your place on the Ladder is held until you return.
More Questions? Come on out and we’ll explain!
For players NEW to Ladders, please arrive a half-hour BEFORE start time to be assessed and orientation.
Women’s Ladders
Players will sign up just like coed Ladders . You will use your coed letter level and percentage. Scores will NOT be combined with the coed results!
Monday and Friday 12 PM – 1:30 PM Freedom Park Courts 4-11 (MUST arrive before 11:45 AM)
More Questions? Come on out and we’ll explain