Starting a Team
Captains should read Standing Rule #4: Smashers Team Guidelines and the Responsibilities of a Team Captain
A team may only consist of Smashers members who are current with their annual dues. For each Membership Year a Member must be both Paid and Enrolled. Please refer to the Paid and Enrolled Members list to ensure the member has met both requirements.
A team will have a of minimum of eight (8) Smashers members but may have more. The number of team members dictates how many courts a team can reserve. A team with 8-15 members can reserve one court, a team with 16-23 members can reserve two courts, etc.
When creating a new team the Captain will complete the Team Roster and send it to the Scheduler.
To find available courts, please refer to the current schedule. A printed version of the schedule is also posted on the bulletin boards at Freedom Park and The Palms
Teams Looking For Players
Smashers maintains a list of teams looking for players. If your team needs additional players, please contact the scheduler to have your team added to this list. Please also contact the scheduler to have your team removed once you have a sufficient number of players.
Team Renewals
Once a year, in the first half of March, every existing team must submit a new new Team Roster to the Scheduler.
For 2025, this process will be done on-line. Please do not attempt to complete a team roster until March 1, 2025; at which point a link will be provided so that this can be done online.
A captains meeting will be held at 11:00 on February 28th in The Palms amenity room. Please plan to attend this meeting, where a demonstration of the new Team Roster application will be presented.